Men Face Skin Types and Care.

Men Face Skin Types and Care.

Men Face Skin
 Most men don't know their skin types. But It's the first and the most effective step for men skin care. This blog will help you easily know your skin type at home. Understanding your skin type is very important to select the right product for your skin.
 Most men wrong diagnose themselves and as a result, bindup using the wrong product for their skin. Below, different types and their symptom of facial skin are explained.

  1. Greasy skin
  2. Dilated pores
  3. More Whiteheads and Blackheads
  4. Prone to Acne
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  • Oily Skin

  1. Dull & dehydrated
  2. Fine flakes and scaly skin
  3. Red patches
  4. Fine lines
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  • Combination Skin

  1. Oily forehead and Nose
  2. Dilated pores on the nose and forehead
  3. More whiteheads and Blackheads
  4. Rest of the Face have normal skin types
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  • Sensitive Skin

  1. Pores to allergy and rashes
  2. Red patches on the face
  3. More White and Black Heads
  4. React to different kinds of weather
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  • Normal Skin

  1. No Blemishes
  2. Radiant and Flawless
  3. No visible Pores and Lines
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